Thursday, March 10, 2011

Leahy, 1 ... Schapiro, 0

Norm Leahy, that freedom-loving libertarian who can stand up to the best of them, double-decks the Richmond Times-Dispatch's Jeff Schapiro today for Schapiro's latest slash-and-burn attempt at U.S. Senate candidate George Allen.

As I read Norm's post "Toil, trouble, 'good copy,' and George Allen" at Bearing Drift, I couldn't help but cheer him on as he threw it all in the kettle against Schapiro. The one-two punch exposed Schapiro's unrealistically negative obsession with George Allen and exposed the question of why such a weathered political pundit as Schapiro would choose to take on a George Allen in such a don't-take-prisoners way.

It occured to me that it almost seemed personal to Schapiro and one had to wonder ... had he ever talked with George Allen? Well, of course he has -- Schapiro has talked with everyone.  More importantly, I suppose, is the question of whether he has ever listened to George Allen, actually heard what he had to say as Allen was saying it instead of letting his mind dart ahead to the next barb that he could shoot from his "poisoned pen," as Norm described it, dipped in a fresh pot of vile.

Norm concluded with this zinger that will surely spin Schapiro's infamous bow tie:
It’s the sort of concoction that would curl the toes of any wicked witch, but it’s also one that misses its intended mark. Rather than diminishing Allen, it withers Schapiro, exposing him as little more than bow-tied version of Count Fosco.

Still, I see this salvo as a mere audition tape for the nastiness to come. Should Allen win the GOP nomination, Jeff will rifle every nook, cranny and mouse hole in the anxiety closet in order to concoct a brew strong enough to bring Allen down.

If it’s anything like this first attempt, though, the far more likely outcome is that Jeff will be the one laid low…by a hearty guffaw from the peanut gallery.
Badda-bing, badda-boom. Norm, 1 ... Schapiro, 0.

Cross-posted at Virginia Virtucon

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