Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Monticello heirloom tomato seeds

It's the time of year when gardeners are studying seed catalogs and deciding what to plant as soon as the ground warms. Here's something different to try ... Monticello heirloom tomato seeds:
Heirloom tomatoes are becoming increasingly popular. We have five additional varieties; ‘Cherokee Purple’, ‘Eva’s Purple Ball’, ‘German Johnson’, ‘Prudens Purple’ and ‘Yellow Pear’, available this year. Click on individual listings for a brief history of each one.

For earlier harvesting, tomatoes should be started indoors in a moistened, sterile seed starting mix, 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost date for your area. Seeds should be sewn about 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch deep, watered gently and placed in a warm 70 degree-80 degree Fahrenheit location keeping evenly moist until germination occurs (usually 5-10 days). After germinating, strong light such as a sunny window or fluorescent bulbs, should be provided. The new seedlings should be transplanted into larger individual containers after they develop their first set of true leaves (about a month). If no fertilizer is contained in the potting medium, the seedlings may benefit from an application of a weak dilution of liquid fertilizer. Gradually harden off the seedlings and transplant to the garden after the danger of frost has passed for your area.
Tomato tasting will be held on August 6th. And don't forget Historic Garden Week at Monticello coming up April 16th.

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