Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Observations on a March day....

Observations on a March day.... It's a writing day as I work on the laptop, catching up on correspondence, researching future posts, and doing a lot of reading. I'm taking it easy, recuperating from some nasty flu bug that blind-sided me at the beginning of the week. What the heck was that? After spending 48 achy hours without communication -- mere sounds and talking hurt so I turned off the cell phone and  laptop -- catching up has taken a chunk of time as I continue to recuperate. Expect a hacking cough if you talk with me ... it's probably going to hang on for a while.

Facebook: Studies have shown Facebook and Twitter have eaten into blogs with many people spending more time on those social networks since they require less work. I must say I've been busy this morning posting articles to my Facebook page and interacting in discussions with others. Some of the subjects I've shared today:

- Rove groups plan $120 million campaign in 2012: This is what it takes ... $$$. Kudos to Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie as they actively engage in raising funds to better level the playing field. The NewsMax article states, "American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS on Tuesday said they would raise the money to compete with unions that spent a collective $400 million on behalf of President Barack Obama and Democrats in 2008. The group says it won't be able to outspend the unions but the organization can outpace them in efficiency."

- Averill to lead Americans for Prosperity's Virginia office: The Washington Post article tell of Trixie Averill's promotion as Virginia director for AFP. Trixie and I worked together for twelve years in the 6th District ... two George W. Bush campaigns, two George Allen campaigns, Jerry Kilgore, Bob Goodlatte, local candidates, state candidates, and more. Starting at the beginning of AFP's interest in Virginia, Trixie was pulling me in to help.

Her last job for the GOP was as 6th Congressional District Chair, the latest in her long involvement on the RPV Central Committee. We've stood up against anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan (Trixie's son served three deployments to Iraq), participated in Support Our Troops rallies, distributed yard signs, worked campaign headquarters, conducted sign waves, had grand openings, worked with candidates, lit drops, phoning ... you name it in campaigning, and Trixie and I have done it! (Of course, she's been at it twice as long as I have.) Wishing her good luck as she steps into this new chapter in her life.

- Texas Independence Day: It's Sam Houston's birthday, born on this day in 1793, near Lexington, Va, and it's Texas Independence Day so I sent Facebook greetings to my Texas sister.

- Horses save milk truck stuck in snow: This YouTube video of four Amish work horses pulling a semi milk truck out of a snowy ditch in central Pennsylvania. I saw it on Fox and Friends early this morning and looked it up on YouTube to share with others.

- A Foodie Find - Staunton, Va: My daughter brought this Baltimore magazine article to my attention. It features downtown Staunton's varied restaurants, many supplied by nearby Shenandoah Valley farms. The article began with, "Who knew that Staunton, a tiny city in Virginia, is one of the country's best-kept foodie secrets? But that probably won't be the case for long. Locavore-loving epicureans are taking notice of this agrarian region in the Shenandoah Valley." We knew about our eateries ... now many others will, too.

- Leaders: A fellow blogger began his day by posting a quote from today's birthday boy, Sam Houston: "I believe “A leader is someone who helps improve the lives of other people or improve the system they live under.”  ~ Sam Houston, Born in Virginia on this Day in 1793 (d. 1863)" I liked the leadership quote ... it started my day on the right foot.

- EPA reverses itself on fluoride:  Raised on well water in rural NC and Va may have saved my children from this menace. Nanny government admits 60 years later that fluoride may not be good for all.

- VSP still actively pursuing in 1996 abduction/homocide in Culpeper County: Fifteen years ago today Alicia Showalter Reynolds disappeared on Rt. 29 north of Charlottesville. Her body was found two months later. It was tragic reminder that evil lurks out there....

Spring.... Yeah, finally there with you even though I'm a big snow lover. It's 60 degrees outside today with bright sunshine and little wind. Though we'll have more nasty, cold weather before winter is over, now is when we start planning the vegetable garden, scouring the seed catalogs, planning what flowers will go into the window boxes, and looking forward to more days outdoors in warmer weather. SWAC Husband has turned the garden this week and will soon be planting cold-weather potatoes and onions. He loves working in the vegetables and I love working in my flowers.

American soldiers killed in Germany.... Reports are coming in that four American soldiers were attacked on a bus in Germany; two are dead. More details are showing up but please keep the wounded servicemen and all the families in your prayers as the war on terrorism continues. They are there so that we can live peacefully here.

Time to get back to work.... As I write this, my other work is neglected so it's off for a quick trip to the deck to soak in a few minutes of warm sunshine and then back to writing.

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