Thursday, March 03, 2011

An unexpected encounter with a friend

An unexpected encounter with a friend can sometimes provide a needed lift in spirit, and this week it happened to me in a somewhat comical but rewarding way.

While on the phone talking with a friend, the call-waiting beeped in and, not wanting to interrupt in the middle of the conversation, I glanced to see who it was and made a mental note to call back. About ten minutes later, after listening to the message that was left and placing the call, I excitedly greeted my friend with, "You still sitting in traffic?"

"What?" she asked pleasantly but not quite understanding the question.

I tried again. "I was on the phone when you called earlier but wanted to return your call. Are you still sitting in all that traffic?"

There was a pause, then she questionally replied, "I didn't call you," and then laughingly asked, "Who is this?" Puzzled but still thinking she was just joking because my voice was hoarse due to illness, I in turn responded, "It's Lynn. Lynn Mitchell!" And then beginning to wonder what in the heck was going on, I asked, "Who is this?"

She responded and we both began laughing. Her cell phone number was next to the one I meant to call so it was obvious at that point that I had dialed the wrong person. However, we hadn't talked in a good while so it offered the opportunity to quickly catch up with this home school mom whom I've known for years, a delightfully pleasant lady who shares my love for this beautiful area where we live.

The chance encounter and brief chat with her stayed with me long after we talked, into the next day and the next. Her spirit, her faith and optimism, uplifted me this week and was a reminder of the blessing of friends, and that sometimes we need that encounter even when we don't realize it.

Little gifts from God come in many packages. This week it was an unexpected encounter with a friend.


  1. Hey Lynn!
    Love reading your blogs! This is so true... God hands us blessings everyday, and we are so busy we don't even see them!
    You should have a request line.. for your thoughts on a subject!!
    Dear SWAC girl... haha...

    anna :)

  2. Thanks for the kind words, Anna! The blessing of friends continues due to the blog post about the blessing of friends. :)

    It's funny what sometimes motivates me to write. A request line for thoughts ... LOL.

    I'm in a political world where it is easy to lose your perspective while surrounded with negatives. That's what this unexpected encounter did ... it reminded me to not forget what is important in life. :)

    Besides, I think I've got a touch of spring fever coming on. When the mountains warm up, let's get that sister of mine and plan for the three of us to spend a day at THE vineyard. ;)
