Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wood smoke

What is it about wood smoke that has that smells-so-good factor? I walked out on our back deck and breathed in the aroma coming from the chimney. Our wood stove is a staple during winter but the added perk is the wonderful smell of wood smoke whenever we go outdoors.

It's a reminder of camping in Shenandoah National Park, bringing back memories of sitting around a campfire as a child with my family and, even now, with my own grown children.

It also entices happy memories of backyard campfires ... clustered around dancing flames on chilly nights with friends and family ... and even enjoying a bonfire during the summer as we roast hotdogs and s'mores and other goodies that taste oh-so-much-better when cooked outside.

Not to be forgotten is the comfort factor of the wood stove during the cold winter months ... warmth, light when the electricity goes out, a cooking surface for fun or when needed that has been used for soups, breakfasts, all sorts of comfort foods, and even chocolate chip cookies. And always present is that wonderful wood smoke smell that permeates the family room.

If I could bottle the stuff, it would be a Shenandoah smorgasbord of smelly goodness to tickle the nostrils and delight the senses with visions of happy times dancing through my head.

Wood smoke. Now there's something intangible to wrap your senses around....

Update: The environmental moonbats can chill. Wouldn't you know ... the I'll-tell-you-what-to-do-in-your-own-house police have come out of the woodwork to chastise me for liking the smell of wood smoke. Puh-leeze ... keep your sanctimonious attitudes to yourself. You want me to quit using fossil fuels so I use wood to heat the house, and you complain about that. It's also a survival tool in an area prone to power outages during winter weather so MYOB. Email me if you want but it's going right to the delete button. Have a nice day!

Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell

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