Wednesday, April 06, 2011

George Allen: Statement on Senate's vote of McConnell-Inhofe amendment

Richmond, VA – George Allen issued the following statement on today’s Senate vote of the McConnell-Inhofe amendment:
“Today’s vote by Senators Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and their liberal allies against the McConnell-Inhofe amendment to prohibit the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases is a vote against American economic growth and job creation. The Democrat-controlled Senate has decided to abdicate its Constitutional legislative responsibilities and outsource our energy and economic future to an unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy.

The consequence of this decision is that American families, farmers and manufacturers will now be seriously threatened with the increased cost of electricity, gasoline and food. By failing to permanently bar the EPA from regulating carbon emissions, Senate Democrats have passed what amounts to a massive tax increase on American consumers that will cost us American jobs, harm employers and hurt Virginia families already struggling with high gasoline prices. Can we expect other countries to impose similar burdens on their citizens? If not, this amounts to American economic unilateral disarmament.”
George Allen for U.S. Senate

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