Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bob McDonnell rates 62% approval in latest poll

The Washington Post released a new poll showing Governor McDonnell has a 62% approval rating, making him the most highly rated elected official in the Commonwealth! This survey follows an April Roanoke College poll that gave the Governor a 66% approval rating.

In addition to concluding that nearly two-thirds of Virginians approve of the job Governor McDonnell is doing, The Washington Post also found:
  • 82% of Republicans, 63% of independents, and 50% of Democrats approve of the job Governor McDonnell is doing;
  • 52% of Virginians believe the Commonwealth is heading in the right direction, compared with only 31% who believe the same about the country.
In publishing their findings, the Post notes: "In his first 15 months in office, McDonnell has focused on creating jobs, streamlining government and securing $2.9 billion in bonds for perennially clogged roads and $100 million for underfunded colleges.... McDonnell helped cut $4 billion from the state budget, paring back spending to 2006 levels and not raising taxes. He later announced that the state ended the fiscal year with a surplus of about $403 million."

Cutting spending, creating jobs, investing in transportation and education, and getting results - it’s all part of the McDonnell record.

--From Opportunity Virginia PAC

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