Friday, May 20, 2011

George Allen: We Must Reinvigorate the Entrepreneurial Spirit of America

Dear Patriots,

Last week I had the opportunity to travel through Southside Virginia and visit with several businesses that are working hard in a struggling economy to create quality products and jobs here in Virginia.  As I listened to their concerns it became clear that Virginians' vision of the American Dream has been badly shaken by our weakened economy and a government that continues to spend our children's future.  For the first time in our history parents are worried if their children will have the same opportunities in life.  It may no longer be enough to get a good college education and work hard to get ahead in America.

Just last spring, Susan and I watched with great pride as our oldest daughter, Tyler, graduated from college, but like many parents we worried that diminished opportunities lay ahead.  Many of Tyler's friends, saddled with student loans, struggled - and are still struggling - to find work.  On the campaign trail I've talked to graduates and parents who have related that even when these young people find jobs, few are working in fields that take advantage of the college degrees they studied so hard to earn.  It is disheartening to see so many talented young adults not being able to use their full potential.

America should be a country where young people graduating from college are limited only by their imagination, hard work and ingenuity.  For our country to truly be a land of opportunity, we must reinvigorate the entrepreneurial spirit of America and not allow Washington to crush it with regulations, taxes, unsustainable skyrocketing spending and dangerous debt.

In just one week my opponent has advocated for higher taxes; defended Washington's out-of-control spending by calling to raise the debt ceiling without real spending cuts; and has stood silently as actions by the federal government/NRLB threaten our Right-to-Work laws and economic competitiveness.  Our Right-to-Work laws are one of the foundational strengths of Virginia.  These are federal policies that will hurt the people of Virginia and our economy, not put us back on the path to economic prosperity.

The time for action is now.  We cannot allow Tim Kaine's liberal allies in Washington carry out their anti-business, job crushing agenda.  Join me as we fight to rein in the overreaching and overspending government; work to create entrepreneurial conditions to reinvigorate the economy and unleash our plentiful energy resources for more jobs and lower energy prices. Together we can restore the confidence and the promise of opportunity for the next generation.

Standing strong for Freedom,


George Allen

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