Friday, May 27, 2011

George Allen: 'We thank our fallen patriots'

May 27, 2011

Dear Friends,

We are all grateful, especially this Memorial Day Weekend, for the patriotic men and women who throughout our history have lost their lives preserving our freedoms.

A free, prosperous and sovereign country must be able to defend, fuel and feed itself. Our counterproductive energy policies make our America vulnerable to other countries, many of which are hostile to our interests and values.

An estimated 35 million Americans will be on the road this Memorial Day Weekend and will be faced with gas prices that are over a dollar more than what they were at this time last year. These prices don't only affect a weekend trip - in addition to our national security, they affect our family's budgets and how we live.

But some liberals in Washington don't think we are paying enough. Just this past week the ranking Democrat on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee said raising the gas tax should be put on the table.

With gas prices hovering around $4/gallon and continuing to strain Virginia families and businesses the last thing Washington needs to do is raise gas prices even higher.

We must start enacting common sense solutions. America is blessed with the most plentiful energy resources of any country in the world - right here under our land and water - and in the creative resources of the American people. For our national security, we need to utilize our American energy resources, which also provides us with a better quality of life and jobs. Join me by signing our energy petition to fight against Washington's dangerously counterproductive energy policies.

Susan and I wish everyone a safe and blessed Memorial Day weekend as we honor the heroes of our armed services who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our Freedoms. We honor them and their families.

We all thank our fallen patriots who have Stood Strong for Freedom,

George Allen

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