Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Augusta BOS prediction: Coleman will not seek re-election - UPDATED

Updated: Supervisors Wendell Coleman and Nancy Sorrells announced at the June 8, 2011, Board of Supervisors meeting that they would not be seeking re-election. I was correct on my prediction about Coleman, and at least half right on prediction #2. Time will tell if School Board member Chad Shomo (Riverheads) will announce he is running for BOS. (All other school board members have announced their plans except Mr. Shomo.)

Dr. Kurt Michael, an Augusta County school teacher, announced in April that he was running for the supervisor seat in Augusta County's Wayne District. With the announcement this week of Jeff Moore as another Wayne candidate and the newspaper reporting that the current supervisor would make his decision soon, I'm going to make a prediction about this race.

I predict that Wayne District Supervisor Wendell Coleman will announce at the upcoming Board of Supervisors meeting on Wednesday that he will not be seeking a third term. In the past two years he has come under fire during the 2009 real estate assessment issue and the fire issue when the failed ISO rating was right in his front yard at Yancey Fire Department which, more than likely, has made him unelectable.

Out of seven supervisors, one has announced he will seek re-election (Tracy Pyles in Pastures District), two have said they will not run for re-election (Gerald Garber in Middle River District and Larry Howdyshell in North River), and a third (Coleman) will probably announce his retirement on Wednesday.

Candidates who have announced they are running are David Karaffa (Beverley Manor), Dr. Marshall Paddie (North River), Jim Warren (Pastures), and Steve Morris (North River).

That leaves three incumbent supervisors up in the air: South River, Beverley Manor, and Riverheads.

Prediction #1: All three will run for re-election.

Prediction #2: Nancy Sorrells in Riverheads calls it quits and Chad Shomo, current School Board member, runs.

Prediction #3: Nancy Sorrells announces for a third term and runs against Chad Shomo.

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