Thursday, June 09, 2011

Peter Rabbit came to visit....

 When I pulled into the driveway today, this baby bunny was enjoying a mid-afternoon smorgasboard in the front yard. Sitting beside a leaf, he was perfectly still and thought I couldn't see him. What a cutie....

Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell
9 June 2011


  1. They are rodents with big ears that can do more damage to a garden in less time than anything else.

    And, since I am bipolar...AWWWWWWWW!

  2. LOL ... and that is why our garden has a 10-foot tall fence around it. (Well, not just for the rabbits ... but you know what I mean.) This little fella was welcome to chew on the grass but, trust me, with all the wild critters around here, he probably won't make it to adulthood.
