Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bob McDonnell-Rick Perry headline RPV event

You are cordially invited to lunch with

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell
Chairman, Republican Governors Association
Texas Governor Rick Perry
Candidate for U.S. President


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

at the

Richmond Convention Center Grand Ballroom

Doors open at 12:15pm
Pre-Event Meet and Greet for Sponsors starts at 12:15pm
Lunch starts at 12:30pm

Richmond Convention Center
Grand Ballroom
400 North Third Street
Richmond, Virginia

Texas Governor Rick Perry will be the keynote speaker at the Republican Party of Virginia's Grassroots Luncheon on Sept. 14, RPV Chairman Pat Mullins announced today.

"We're absolutely thrilled that Governor Perry will be with us for this event," Mullins said. "Governor Perry's record in Texas of lower taxes, limited government, and job growth looks familiar to anyone who pays attention to Virginia politics. Like our own Governor Bob McDonnell, Gov. Perry has balanced his state's budget by making prudent decisions, rather than treating taxpayers like an ATM."

Both Govs. Perry and McDonnell will speak at the event, scheduled for Sept. 14 at the Greater Richmond Convention Center.

"Virginia will be a key battleground state in 2012," Mullins said. "This event is a great opportunity for the grassroots - the people who make the Republican Party of Virginia work - to get to know one of frontrunners for our party's presidential nomination."

For more information, visit

--From Republican Party of Virginia

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