Monday, August 15, 2011

George Allen endorsed by Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Goodlatte, Griffith

U.S. Senate GOP candidate George Allen received the endorsement today from Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-7th CD) in his bid to become the Republican candidate to face Democrat Tim Kaine in November 2012.

Allen also received the endorsements of Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-6th CD) and freshman Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-9th CD). They released a joint statement:
"Virginians have watched as Washington has become an obstacle to economic growth and job creation.  Unemployment remains far too high, families have seen no relief at the gas pump and Washington’s overregulation continues to hurt Virginia’s small businesses.  House Republicans have worked hard to pass pro-growth policies, while the Senate Democrats have fought our agenda every step of the way.

"Virginians are going to play a crucial role in determining the control of the U.S. Senate and the direction of our country.  In order for America to lead once again we need like-minded partners like George Allen in the U.S. Senate.  Our country can’t afford to allow the Senate Democrats to continue to block the policies that will allow businesses to expand and create more jobs for Americans.

"George Allen has a long track record of success implementing small government reforms that grow the economy and create jobs.  He has been a longtime supporter of a Balanced Budget Amendment, introducing it in the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. As Governor, he reduced the tax burden on Virginia families and businesses, fostered a pro-growth environment that helped create jobs, and left Virginia with a smaller, leaner government.

"The hard working men and women of Virginia deserve a Senator who will fight for their values every day in Washington, not the failed policies of the Obama Administration.  We are proud to stand with a great Virginia leader, George Allen, and we strongly support his campaign for U.S. Senate."
Releasing a statement of gratitude, the former Virginia Governor and U.S. Senator commented on the endorsements:
“Majority Leader Cantor, Congressman Griffith and Congressman Goodlatte will be strong, positive voices for our campaign.  I am proud and grateful to have these exceptional Virginia leaders on our A-Team as we continue to build a strong grassroots team all across the state.

“Throughout this campaign I have listened to the heartfelt concerns of families and businesses who have become pessimistic about our economy and the direction of our country.  I believe we can restore the promise of the American Dream by reinvigorating the entrepreneurial spirit with pro-growth policies to unleash our energy resources and help create hundreds of thousands of jobs.

“Majority Leader Cantor and Congressmen Griffith and Goodlatte are fighting hard in Washington to stop the Senate Democrats’ job-crushing, big-spending agenda.  By taking control of the U.S. Senate away from Harry Reid, we can finally start acting on the efforts by Leader Cantor and other Republicans in the House of Representatives to help create jobs and restore fiscal responsibility.  I am excited that these leaders will be standing alongside us in our mission to bring Virginia voices to the U.S. Senate.”
These are the latest endorsements for Allen as he continues to campaign, crisscrossing the Commonwealth of Virginia and listening to concerns from citizens. Earlier he had received the backing of Lt. Governor Bill Bolling.

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