Friday, August 19, 2011

George Allen endorsed by Shenandoah Valley leaders

Henrico, VA –Today, leaders from the Valley announced their endorsement of George Allen for U.S. Senate, citing his strong record of success cutting taxes, reducing the size of government and implementing pro-growth policies that help spur job creation.

George Allen has a long record of listening to the people of the Valley and working with local leaders to recruit new businesses.  His Blueprint for America’s Comeback will help reinvigorate the economy by making us more competitive, unleashing our energy resources and peeling back the harmful regulations undermining job growth. 

Senator Emmett Hanger, Mount Solon
"George Allen has the experience, strength of conviction and leadership we need in Washington.  He understands how to reduce the size of government, cut spending and get our fiscal house in order while re-opening our country for business just as he did while Governor of Virginia.  He also will stand up for Virginia’s businesses, supporting pro-growth policies and our State’s right-to-work law.  This election will be critical to putting our nation back on the path to prosperity by removing barriers to success that this and previous administrations have erected.  I’m proud to call George a friend, but more importantly I’m pleased that George Allen can be counted on, as a common sense conservative friend to all Virginians. We need to send him back to Washington!"

Senator Mark Obenshain, Harrisonburg
“George Allen has been a dedicated conservative leader for Virginia over the past 20 years.  He has a clear vision on how we need to get our country back on track—by reducing taxes, government regulations, and creating jobs.  He did it as Governor – where he won historic and conservative reforms - and I know that he is going to do it again as Senator.  When George Allen was elected Governor, conservatives were at a low point in Virginia.  After 12 years of Democratic rule, we needed a change in Richmond, and George was our answer.  Today Washington DC has spent too much and done too little for the people and Virginia is looking for an answer--that man is George Allen.  I am proud to endorse George Allen for U.S. Senate”

Delegate Todd Gilbert, Woodstock
“I have admired and respected George Allen ever since I worked for him as a Congressional intern back in 1991, and I am proud to give him my full endorsement. His strong record of job creation through pro-growth policies as a small government conservative is exactly why we need him back in the U.S. Senate.  George Allen will fight for the hard working men and women of Virginia, restore fiscal responsibility and bring common sense leadership to Washington.  I have known George Allen for almost his entire career, I respect his judgment, trust his leadership and I am excited to support his campaign.”

Delegate Steve Landes, Verona
“When I was first elected to the Virginia House of Delegates in 1995, I had the privilege of working with George Allen as Governor. While serving as Governor and Senator, George Allen was a dedicated proponent of the Shenandoah Valley and Piedmont regions. I have full faith that he will continue to lead with the same courage and conviction that he has shown in the past.   We need strong leaders who will fight for Virginia, and I am proud to stand with George Allen and support his campaign for U.S. Senate.”

Delegate Richard P. “Dickie” Bell, Staunton
“George Allen has been fighting for Virginia his entire career and we need him back in the U.S. Senate to stand up to these Washington liberals destroying our economy.  Virginia has the opportunity in this election to drastically change the direction of our country for the better.  George Allen has a long track record of success, he knows what it takes to create jobs and I am proud to stand with him during this campaign.”

Delegate Benjamin Cline, Amherst
“George Allen is the strong, conservative leader we need in the U.S. Senate.  He understands the families and businesses of the Valley and he will fight for our values in Washington.  George Allen has proven he knows how to help create jobs and revitalize the economy with pro-growth policies.   As Governor he cut taxes and reduced the size of government, and helped create an economic environment that led to over 300,000 net new private sector jobs.  I know George Allen will stand strong for Virginia and I am proud to stand with him in his campaign.”

Delegate Tony Wilt, Harrisonburg
“During the past several years, Washington has pushed us to the limit with out-of-control spending that has created record deficits and debt.  George Allen is a proven leader that will stand strong against the reckless spending and overregulation by our federal government. He has a pro-growth plan that will foster private sector job creation and increase our economic competitiveness. Under his leadership as Governor, he worked to reduce the scope of government by limiting regulation and cutting taxes, all while presiding over substantial job growth. George Allen will fight for the principles and values of Shenandoah Valley residents and I am proud to support him for U.S. Senate.”

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