Thursday, August 11, 2011

George Allen receives endorsements from southside state legislators

Henrico, VA – Today, State legislators from Southside Virginia announced their strong support for George Allen for U.S. Senate. George Allen is the only candidate with a pro-growth plan of action for jobs that will make America more competitive, unleash our energy resources and rein in this over-reaching, over-spending federal government. Unleashing our energy resources would help create hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs, increase our supply of affordable energy, keep our money here in America and generate revenues – without raising taxes.

Senator Frank Ruff, Clarksville

"George Allen as Governor of Virginia was a force for change. He toughened the penalty for violent criminals and he led the effort to reform how we deal with juvenile offenders. His model for welfare reform led the national effort to do the same. George Allen has proven himself a tough leader who has the experience needed to lead in these perilous economic times."

Senator William Stanley, Franklin County

“George Allen is one of the best, if not the best Governors on fiscal and social conservative issues that the Commonwealth has ever had. I know he will carry those principles back to Washington in 2012 when he defeats Tim Kaine and bring accountability back to Washington.”

Delegate Watkins Abbitt Jr., Appomattox

“We need a leader in Washington who will stand up for Virginia’s values. George Allen is a trusted conservative leader with a record of protecting Virginian’s families, farms and small business owners. He has cut taxes, protecting the unborn and made Virginia a better place to live, work and raise a family. His leadership and experience is needed now more than ever.”

Delegate James Edmunds, South Boston

“Nobody is more qualified to fix the fiscal mess in Washington than George Allen. He has a strong record of fiscal conservatism making Virginia’s government leaner and more efficient while promoting pro-growth policies that brought hundreds of thousands of jobs to our Commonwealth. His values and work ethic are exemplary and just what we need in Washington to correct our spending problems and get our economy growing again.”

Delegate Danny Marshall, Danville

“George Allen’s conservative record of small government, pro-growth reform is exactly what we need in Washington, where the spending is out of control. George Allen has the plan we need to get our economy back on track, unleash our energy resources and take control of our own destiny. As Virginia Governor, George Allen helped foster an environment that created 300,000 net new private sector jobs during his tenure, significantly reduced welfare rolls and the size of State government. George Allen will be a strong voice for Virginia values and the kind of leader who will stand against business-as-usual in Washington. I hope you join me in supporting his campaign.”

Delegate Don Merricks, Chatham

"I am delighted to endorse George Allen to represent us in the United States Senate. It is no secret that the wheels have fallen off the bus in Washington. It's time we brought fiscal conservative thinking from Virginia to Washington. Senator Allen knows what is best for our country and having been there before, he will be able to hit the ground running to help initiate the changes necessary to bring America back to prosperity."

Delegate Charles Poindexter, Glade Hill

“Virginia needs a U.S. Senator like George Allen who will listen to concerns of Virginia families and represent their values in Washington. George has a long record of fighting for Virginia by working across party aisles to abolish parole, reform welfare, improve our education system and help create over 300,000 jobs. Now more than ever we need a leader like George Allen who will bring accountability to Washington and fight against its counter-productive policies that are hurting jobs and putting us deeper into debt. George is the only candidate in this race with a proven track record and a plan to bring jobs to Southside.”

Delegate Tommy Wright, Victoria

“I am proud to announce my strong support for my good friend George Allen for U.S. Senate. As a member of the House of Delegates, as Governor and as Senator George Allen has a long track record of fighting for the families and small businesses of Virginia. George understands that we need policies that will foster job creation and increase our supply of affordable energy. We cannot continue down a path that leads to perpetually high unemployment, massive debt and higher taxes. With everything that is going on in our country, Virginia needs George Allen, an experienced leader who will fight for Virginia families and values in Washington.”

These legislators represent some of the areas of Virginia hardest hit by the economic downturn, struggling with high unemployment and weak job growth. The families and businesses in Southside Virginia have felt the harmful impact of President Obama’s job-crushing policies and burdensome anti-business regulations that Chairman Tim Kaine championed as head of the Democratic National Committee.

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