Thursday, August 18, 2011

George Allen receives support from Hampton Roads leaders

The endorsements continue to roll in for George Allen in his 2012 bid to become the next U.S. Senator from Virginia. Below is the press release about Hampton Roads leaders who are backing his leadership.

Henrico, VA –Today, leaders from Hampton Roads announced their endorsement of George Allen for U.S. Senate, citing his support for the military, leadership in job creation and willingness to unleash Virginia’s plentiful energy resources.

George Allen’s Blueprint for America’s Comeback emphasizes the need to unleash our energy resources.  Allowing Virginia to explore for oil and gas off our coast would help create thousands of new jobs in Hampton Roads, increase our supply of affordable energy, promote national security and generate revenues without raising taxes. 

Senator Tommy Norment, Williamsburg

“I am proud to endorse my good friend George Allen.  We need him in the U.S. Senate now more than ever.  As Governor, George Allen lowered taxes, reduced the size of State government and peeled back burdensome regulations.  These pro-growth policies helped Virginia’s economy grow at a faster rate than the national average and brought in a record 300,000 net new private sector jobs during his tenure.  He will fight for our values, stand up for the people of Virginia and he has my full support.”

Senator Frederick Quayle, Suffolk
“We need George Allen’s common sense conservative leadership in the U.S. Senate, and I am excited to announce my full support for his campaign.  He has always been a strong supporter of our region and knows the kind of pro-growth policies we need to grow our economy.  This election has the potential to determine the direction of our nation for years to come, and we need a proven leader fighting for Virginia values in the U.S. Senate.  That leader is George Allen.”

Senator Frank Wagner, Virginia Beach
“George Allen has been a strong and dedicated leader for Virginia and I am excited to be supporting his campaign for U.S. Senate.  Throughout his entire career, he has shown a tireless commitment to the families and businesses of our Commonwealth and has always stood strong for his conservative Virginian values.  As a small government conservative with a long track record of successful pro-growth reforms that helped create hundreds of thousands of jobs, George Allen is exactly who Virginians need fighting for them in Washington.  I am proud to endorse George Allen for U.S. Senate and I am excited to help his campaign.”

Delegate Sal Iaquinto, Virginia Beach
"George Allen has a real pro-growth plan for jobs that will make Virginia more competitive, unleash our energy resources and rein in this out-of-control federal government. Virginia needs a proven conservative leader who will stand for our values and fight to preserve the competitive advantage Virginia has as a right-to-work state. I am excited to support George Allen for U.S. Senate and I urge my friends and colleagues to do the same. He is a trusted leader who knows what it takes to turn our economy around."

Delegate Chris Jones, Suffolk 

“Throughout his entire career, George Allen has fought for the people of Virginia. His time as Governor was marked by record job growth, major tax cuts and significant reforms that saved hundreds of millions of dollars and reduced the size of State government. We need to send George Allen back to the U.S. Senate to stand up for common sense, conservative principles and peel back the burdensome regulations weighing on our struggling economy. He has the vision, strength and conviction to fight for our values. I am proud to support George Allen and his campaign for U.S. Senate.”

Delegate Gordon Helsel, Poquoson
“Senator Allen is the most conscientious, constituent oriented elected official I have ever known.  His immediate response when Hurricane Isabel devastated the City of Poquoson was tremendous.  Senator Allen made the necessary preparations and was in the city the very next day.  Not only do I respect George Allen, but I also admire him.  Senator Allen is the epitome of honesty and integrity, and I will support him in any way that I can as he moves forward to become Virginia’s next U.S. Senator.”

Delegate Harvey Morgan, Gloucester

"George Allen is exactly the kind of leader we need in Washington to provide common sense and good judgment.  America is in crisis and George Allen, with his proven record of success, will stand by his principles to implement pro-growth policies that create jobs, while shrinking the size of government and reducing taxes.  George Allen will fight for Virginia’s families and businesses and I am pleased to support him for the U. S. Senate."
Candidate for Delegate Rick Morris, Carrollton“We need George Allen in the U.S. Senate to stand up to Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer and restore fiscal sanity to Washington which will help reinvigorate our economy and create jobs.  We cannot allow the Democrats to continue pushing our nation further into debt with their explosion of government spending, forcing our children and grandchildren to shoulder the burden.  George Allen will fight for the military families of Hampton Roads and I am proud to support his campaign.”

Delegate Harry Purkey, Virginia Beach
“Washington is clearly broken starting at the very top, and far too many in Washington, DC are in over their heads.  Give George a wrench and your vote and he will help fix Washington.  Controlling cost, size, scope and growth of government must be done.  The fear of an ever intrusive, expanding government must be eliminated.  Give George Allen your vote, join the team and help save America.”

Delegate Chris Stolle, Virginia Beach

“I have known George Allen for 15 years.  He is a good friend, trusted leader and I believe the best choice to be Virginia’s next U.S. Senator.  George Allen has a plan to reinvigorate our economy with pro-growth policies that will make us more competitive, he understands better than anyone the importance of unleashing our energy resources to create jobs in Hampton Roads and elsewhere, and he will repeal and replace this Administration’s unworkable $1.5 trillion healthcare plan.  George Allen is a strong, proven leader with a record of success.  He is exactly the type of experienced leader that Virginia needs in this time of uncertainty, and I am proud to give him my full endorsement.”

Delegate Bob Tata, Virginia Beach“Virginia needs a strong leader like George Allen back in the U.S. Senate to restore fiscal responsibility to Washington and stop this explosion of government spending.  As Governor of Virginia, George Allen shrunk the size of State government, eliminated decades worth of burdensome regulations and helped clear the path for 300,000 net new private sector jobs.  A true common sense conservative with a long track record of success, George Allen is exactly who we need fighting for Virginia’s values and working to turn this economy around.  I am proud to stand with George Allen and fully endorse his candidacy for U.S. Senate.”
Delegate Ron Villanueva, Virginia Beach
“We need a Senator who will represent the voices and values of Virginia, not the dysfunctional Washington elites who think the answer to everything is more spending, more taxes and more government. George Allen is a proven, trusted conservative leader with a record of success, and the only candidate in this race who has put forth a pro-growth plan that increases our economic competitiveness, unleashes our energy resources and reins in this over-reaching, over-spending federal government.  I am proud to stand with George Allen and support his campaign for U.S. Senate.”

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