Friday, August 26, 2011

George Allen receives support of NoVa & Shenandoah Valley leaders

More endorsements were announced today for George Allen for U.S. Senate from Northern Virginia and Shenandoah Valley leaders. They cited his leadership in job creation, reining in government, and his pro-growth plan to reinvigorate America's economy.

Using his Blueprint for America's Comeback, George Allen will make us more competitive and help foster an environment to create millions of jobs by reducing taxes on job-creating businesses, unleashing our energy resources, and peeling back the harmful regulations undermining job growth.

Delegate David B. Albo, Springfield
“As governor of Virginia George Allen eliminated parole, reformed welfare, and established high standards for schools. I enthusiastically support George Allen.”

Delegate Clay Athey, Front Royal
“George Allen the strong, common sense conservative we need in the U.S. Senate. This election will have a major impact on the direction of our country and George Allen will fight for our values and principles. He knows what it takes to get our economy going again and has the track record to prove it. I am proud to stand with George Allen and give him my full endorsement.”

Delegate Barbara Comstock, McLean
“We need George Allen’s common sense leadership in the U.S. Senate. George understands that to keep Virginia #1, we have to focus on jobs first and provide the transportation and education infrastructure that keeps us on top. George has long been a champion for Northern Virginia’s entrepreneurs and job creators and providing them with the tools to grow jobs and create prosperity. I look forward to George bringing the Virginia model of success we are demonstrating every day back to the Senate as a model for the country.”

Delegate Thomas “Tag” Greason, Potomac Falls
“We need to elect George Allen to the U.S. Senate to fight for our values and stand up to the reckless spending and out-of-control growth of government we’ve seen in the last three years. George Allen has a long track record of small government reforms that have created real results for the people of Virginia. As Governor, he reduced the size and scope of the State government by eliminating waste, cutting taxes and making sweeping welfare reforms that became a model for the rest of the nation. At the same time, Virginia’s economy grew by more than 300,000 net new private sector jobs. As our national debt continues to skyrocket and unemployment remains stuck at 9%, Virginia needs a strong, common sense conservative who will fight for fiscal responsibility in Washington. I am proud to stand with George Allen and help make him our next U.S. Senator.”

Delegate Scott Lingamfelter, Woodbridge
“I am delighted to endorse my friend George Allen for the United States Senate. We are in perilous times and we need principled conservative leaders to put this nation back on a path of freedom, free enterprise, and meaningful reform. George has the vision, desire and ability to get that job done and he has my enthusiastic support.”

Delegate Robert D. Orrock, Thornburg
“Virginia needs George Allen in the U.S. Senate to restore fiscal discipline and stop the liberals in Washington from sinking our economy and spending away our children’s future. George Allen has stood strong for Virginia’s values throughout his career and he has a track record of conservative leadership that gets results. George Allen has a clear plan to reinvigorate our economy, just like he did as Governor, and I am proud to stand with him in this campaign.”

Delegate Tom Rust, Herndon
“I am proud to stand with George Allen and support him for U.S. Senate. His pro-growth policies as Governor helped bring hundreds of thousands of jobs to Virginia and made the Commonwealth one of the best places in the nation to do business. His plan for America’s comeback will help reinvigorate our economy and rein in this out-of-control spending. In these tough economic times, we need a strong leader like George Allen. He has a proven track record of success and he will fight for our values.”

Delegate Beverly Sherwood, Winchester
“George Allen’s record of success as Governor served as a model for the rest of the nation and helped foster an environment that created over 300,000 jobs here in Virginia. He is a strong fiscal conservative who knows how to get results. I’m proud to stand with George Allen and help make him Virginia’s next U.S. Senator.”

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