Monday, August 15, 2011

Tsk, tsk ... Dems falsely claim that Va. isn't meeting education obligations

From Republican Party of Virginia....

- Claims that Virginia isn't meetings its obligation to schools without merit -- There is a rhythm to the political seasons in Richmond, as regular as time and tide. Few elements of this rhythm are as predictable, though, as the announcement of good fiscal news from a Republican and the return of the oft-repeated Democrat education libel.

The very moment a Republican announces good economic news, the traditional calls from Democrats begin: "The [surplus/other good economic news] isn't real, because Republicans are shortchanging education!"

Democrats have repeated the same education libel over and over again for years. Witness Sen. Donald McEachin's reaction to Governor McDonnell's 2010 surplus announcement.

"This is not a surplus,'' he said. "We balanced our budget on the backs of schoolchildren..."

Del. Ken Plum is the latest and loudest in the long line of Democrat libel mongers:

"Gov. Bob McDonnell's recent announcement that the Commonwealth finished the fiscal year with a $311 million budget surplus left most with a knowledge of state finances scratching their heads in amazement at the continuation of the "budget surplus" myth.

How could a state that had just earlier in the calendar year made painful billion dollar reductions in order to balance the budget have a surplus a few months later?"

Plum goes on - like most other Democrats - to claim that Richmond is shortchanging our schools.

But that's simply not the case, according to PolitiFact.

From the report:

"... A 2006 report by Senate Finance Committee said that between 1996 and 2005, localities paid 50 percent of total education costs and the state contributed 43 percent. But when it came to meeting the Standards of Quality costs, the report said the state did pay its 55 percent share..."

"... Plum mixes apples with oranges to prove the state is not meeting its education obligations. We rate his statement False."

Said simply, the Commonwealth is meeting its obligation to Virginia's schools.


Just something to keep in mind the next time you hear a Democrat repeat their same old, tired, education libel...

Virginia Democrat Rule #4: If Tax Hikes are Unsuccessful,  
Claim Republicans Are Destroying our Schools.

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