Saturday, October 01, 2011
Live-blogging Eric Cantor's 2011 Republican Round-Up
October 1, 2011 -- 3:00 pm ...
On this first day of October, hundreds of cars are turning into Innsbrook in west Richmond headed for the 2011 Republican Round-Up hosted by Majority Leader Cantor and the 7th Congressional District chaired by Linwood Cobb.
The Royal Blue Band from the Shenandoah Valley is belting out Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" ... I remember it well....
Hundreds of candidates signs line Nichols Road and the entrance to Snag-a-Job Pavilion as dozens of volunteers greet guests with lapel stickers and bumper stickers, all found at candidate tents set up at the entrance.
There's definitely a feel of fall in the air with hay bales, pumpkins, mums, and scarecrows decorating the grounds. Children's activities are busy with bouncy houses of all kinds, a climbing wall, and bean bag toss.
State Senator Steve Martin just stopped by to say hello ... photo will be up later. I've seen Lee Talley and Rachel and Christian Schoenwald as well as lots of George Allen volunteers. The Governor and Mrs. Allen are expected later...
I just met Bill Riggs, Press Secretary with the Allen campaign. It's nice to put a face with the name...
Brock's Barbecue from Chester is once again catering. Tom Whitmore from Prince William County (and fellow RPV New Media Committee member) has stopped by to talk....
Tom White (Virginia Right) just joined us on Bloggers Row ... Jane from Bearing Drift is here.
The Allens, Congressman Cantor, and Gov. Jim Gilmore are on the premises but haven't made it to the tent yet ... National Committeewoman Kathy Terry just came by....
Linwood Cobb is on the stage reminding everyone of the recent earthquake in Louisa County and introduced a gentleman who is talking about the damage to the county and his home. He said he received a phone call from Governor Bob McDonnell and the next day the Governor and Congressman Cantor arrived in Louisa to tour the damage that has now been reported at $85 million. He is thanking them for all they have done to help the damaged areas. Houses were shaken from their foundations, chimneys crumbled, the high school lost 2/3s of its building, 2,000 student were able to get out without injuries. Much damage was to 1800s structures that need major reconstruction. Foundation in the county that has given $100,000 as a match to donations from the community and beyond ... all this in the 7th Congressional District. There is a tent for donations and green arm bands that show support for the cause.
Richard Crouse is on the grounds ... also heard that Tucker Watkins is out there somewhere. The party will definitely get started now! Barb Tillett is keeping me company on Bloggers Row...
4:30 pm ... Steve Rossie with the Family Foundation has been deep in conversation with Tom White ... I just had a good conversation with Mike Thomas and his son Alec.
Eric Cantor and George Allen lapel stickers can be seen everywhere. The tent is crowded almost to capacity now as as thousands crowd Snag-a-Job Pavilion enjoying free BBQ, beer, wine, and more. There's cotton candy for the kids -- big and little -- and the kiddie activities are crammed with little Republicans.
The band is now doing a salute to our military, veterans, First Responders and all who keep us safe ... Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA." This song always brings the tent down each year ... the crowd will be on its feet before it's over. This is a huge patriotic crowd.
The crowd is on its feet ... and now they've gone into "God Bless America" as the crowd sings along. If that doesn't make you feel like a proud patriotic American, nothing will....
4:50 pm ... The stage is full of elected officials ... Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Gov. George Allen and Mrs. Allen, Gov. Jim Gilmore, Lt. Gov. John Hager, Del. Bill Janis, and many more. Bill Janis is asking the prayer....
The Pledge of Allegiance....
Introductions of all on the stage ...
Eric Cantor just announced 5,000 attendance -- an all-time high for the Round-Up that is in its seventh year. He just presented a check from him for $10,000 to the Louisa Earthquake Recovery Program.
Linwood Cobb: "That's what we do as Republicans ... we help."
5:05 pm ... Linwood is introducing Eric Cantor ... "What a difference a year makes. Last year I introduced this man as the Republican Whip ... this year I'm introducing him as the Majority Leader. Eric Cantor!"
Congressman Cantor has taken the stage.... "Washington needs to stop spending money it doesn't have." (huge applause and cheers) His remarks are touching on fiscal responsibility, small business, families, and all the issues that are important to Republicans.
"All of us need to set our sights on next November and send George Allen back to Washington" ... huge cheers and applause. "He will help keep regulations low and get the economy going and get people back to work -- that's what George Allen's election is about. And if that's not enough, we will once again have Susan Allen with our United States Senator." (cheers, applause)
"But I'm serious when I say we have a job to do. Next election in November 2012 is a pivotal election because it almost answers a question about what kind of country we want Ameica to be. My son Mikie is here, my mother is here -- without her I wouldn't be here -- but I tell you -- think about it. Think about the country we want, and that's what's at stake.
"The other side has demonstrated that they believe government comes first and then the people. We believe we need a government that works for thee people of this country and not the other way around. (applause, cheers) It's not about more spending, higher taxes, and regulations. What did we get? A stimulus program, unemployment at 9% ... we believe in lowering the tax burden, small business is the eingine of prosperity in America. It's not just Republicans. Most Virginians and Americans believe that America really is that shining city on the hill. Americans believe that we stand as the Statute of Liberty to the world, the beacon of opportunity, and we have to fight hard for that.
"We've got people here from all corners of the Commonwealth, leaders of our party, elected officials from our party ... we need your help to make that change so our children will have that America that we know. So I'd like to ask you before you leave ... think about visiting the booth for the folks in Louisa and donate to help. Winter's coming and there are many chimneys that have fallen down. Every dollar will be matched 1-to-1. Take a yard sign for your candidate ... delegates, Commonwealth's Attorney, commit to yourself every week to talk to two people about the importance of this election and next year because together we will reinvigorate America. Thank you for coming out today ... thank you all. "
Applause. A cluster of dozens of people in the corner of the tent shows where George Allen and Eric Cantor are now standing....
Great, great event once again. Thank you to Linwood and all the volunteers of the 7th Congressional District, and thank you to Congressman Eric Cantor for once again opening your front door to Virginia Republicans and giving us a great time.
More visitors to Bloggers Row and around the grounds ... RPV Eastern Vice Chairwoman Juanita Balenger, Lynn Fairchild Martin, Matt Wells, Aaron Gulbransen, Lee Talley, Bretiss Zacek, Davis Rennolds....
Now it's time to eat some BBQ and head back to the Shenandoah Valley....
Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell
1 October 2011
Great event as usual. Didn't get to see you as I had to head home for a local event. Clearly the most popular people there were George and Susan Allen and Eric Cantor, both surrounded by people wanting to talk to them. Was disappointed with number of State Central people there as Linwood has always worked to get them there.