Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Obama: A gift that keeps giving to Va. Democrats ... will they be grateful?

Panic! President Obama Coming to Virginia in Desperate Attempt to Save Senate Democrats

According to media reports, President Obama will be making a 3-day swing through Virginia and North Carolina later this month as part of his re-election bid.

Attention Democratic Candidates in Virginia: You have
TWO WEEKS to clear your schedule to appear with the leader of your party!

Do you still stand with Barack Obama? Then make sure you're on stage with THE face of the Democratic Party in Virginia!

And a quick check of publicly-available campaign schedules show several Democrats in contested races who have some free space on their calendar for those three days.

*(Shawn is listed as phone banking those days, but how often do you have a chance to be seen with the President of the United States?)

It's not often that a sitting president comes calling during a state Senate election. What an extraordinary opportunity for a state Senate candidate!

 We look forward to seeing all of you standing on stage with President Obama!

Of course, if you're worried about President Obama's abysmal poll numbers in Virginia might drag you down in November, you can always pull a Phil Puckett and flee...
Former Obama             Supporter Phil Puckett
Former Obama Supporter
Phil Puckett

President Obama: A Gift That Keeps on Giving to Virginia Democrats!

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