Friday, December 02, 2011

I endorse George Allen for U.S. Senate

I am proud to publicly endorse and support former Virginia Governor George Allen for U.S. Senate along with many of my State Central colleagues. These follow endorsements by Governor Bob McDonnell, Lt. Governor Bill Bolling, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Speaker Bill Howell, and many, many others. Like them, I appreciate what Allen accomplished in the past and want to see that leadership back in the U.S. Senate.

The press release:
Today, additional local Republican leaders from throughout Virginia joined many other legislators, grassroots activists, tea party members and community leaders in announcing their support of George Allen for U.S. Senate because of his long track record of strong, conservative leadership and proven pro-growth policies that helped Virginia businesses create hundreds of thousands of jobs.

“George Allen’s long record of conservative leadership in Virginia proves that he is the strongest candidate for U.S. Senate in 2012,” said Becky Stoeckel, 11th Congressional District Chairman from Fairfax City. “He knows that what we need to right our economic ship is a less intrusive, more efficient government that allows businesses to grow and thrive and create jobs. He will take his common-sense conservative values back to Washington and work to stop the out of control spending that has so damaged our economy and our quality of life. I could not be more happy to offer George Allen and his campaign for U.S. Senate my enthusiastic endorsement.”

“Governor Allen knows the people of the Commonwealth, particularly the people in the Northern Neck,” said Allen Webb, State Central Committee Member from King George. “I strongly believe that he understands our values and principles and will represent us well in the U.S. Senate. I am proud to offer my enthusiastic endorsement of his campaign for the United States Senate.”

Chesapeake State Central Committee Member Irene Hurst said, “George Allen was an outstanding Governor and the Commonwealth prospered under his leadership. Virginia needs his leadership again in Washington and I am proud to endorse his candidacy for United States Senate.”

Here is a list of additional Republican Committee members and unit chairs who endorsed George Allen in October.
Here are the latest endorsements from State Central members and Unit Chairs:

Allen Webb, State Central Committee Member, 99th Legislative District Chair, 28th Senate District Chair, King George

Irene Hurst, State Central Committee Member, Chesapeake

Becky Stoeckel, 11th Congressional District Chairman, Fairfax City

Kathy Hayden Terry, National Committeewoman, Botetourt

Polly Campbell, Republican Party of Virginia, Secretary, Page

Brian Plum, Republican Party of Virginia, Treasurer, Page

Tom Foley, 1st Congressional District Chairman, Middlesex

Chris Woodfin, 3rd Congressional District Chairman, Norfolk

Jack Wilson, 4th Congressional District Chairman, Chester

Jeff Sili, Caroline GOP Chairman

Mike Ginsberg, 8th Congressional District Chairman, Arlington

Jack Morgan, 9th Congressional District Chairman, Bland

John Van Hoy, Member, State Central, Stafford

Carol Dawson, Member, State Central, Lancaster

Roger Miles, Member, State Central, Virginia Beach

Tanya Bullock, Member, State Central, Virginia Beach

Bryan Meals, Member, State Central and Portsmouth GOP Chair

Lynn Mitchell, Member, State Central, Augusta

Matthew Braud, Member, State Central, Bedford

Kristi Way, Member, State Central, Henrico

David Fuller, Member, State Central, Hanover

The Honorable Gary Lofton, Member, State Central, Frederick

John Tucker, Member, State Central and Madison GOP Chair

Jacki Easter, Amelia GOP Chair

Don Bishop, Craig GOP Chair

Steve Nixon, Culpeper GOP Chair

Blake Slusser, Essex GOP Chair

Matt Stoeckel, Fairfax City GOP Chair

David Johnson, Henrico GOP Chair

Scott Tucker, King George GOP Chair

Roger Elkins, Lee GOP Chair

Pam Brown, Norfolk GOP Chairman

Robert Fultz, Norton GOP Chair

Barbara Tabb, Prince George GOP Chair

Bob Gibson, Russell GOP Chair

Vernon Teal, Sussex GOP Chair

Ben Boggs, Wise GOP Chair

Lee Harrell, Wythe GOP Chair

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