Sunday, February 26, 2012

Central Virginia GOP Lincoln-Reagan Dinner recognizes my mom

Saturday's Central Virginia Lincoln-Reagan dinner was a sold-out event full of familiar Republican faces and featuring all five of the U.S. Senate candidates. My parents, long-time volunteers for the Chesterfield Republicans -- they were there when Dick Obenshain was killed in a plane crash, and when Elizabeth Taylor and John Warner were campaigning -- attended.

Chesterfield County Republican Committee (CCRC) Chairman Donald Williams welcomed everyone, announced table sponsors, and then made one more announcement that was personal to my family.

Mom noted:
"Donald introduced various people, a lot of invited guests from around the state, and at the end, he said that before he finished he wanted to introduce someone who had been gone but was back.

"At that point, I was wondering who had been away and if it was someone who had moved back from somewhere. Then he said something about 'she' has been sick and I got an uneasy feeling because I realized it was I that he was talking about. He continued by saying 'she' has very active in the Republican Party for a long time and is his favorite Republican.

"Then he held him arm out toward me and said 'Welcome back, Eula!' There was a round of applause. It was humbling and heart-warming."
A big thanks to Chairman Williams for his kind words about Mom. She was seriously ill the end of November through January, missing Republican committee meetings and events. Active volunteers even in their 80s, my folks were guests of their Del. Manoli Loupassi, and the "welcome back" from Donald was very much appreciated. Thanks to everyone on the Chesterfield County Republican Committee for their prayers, food, cards, and calls while Mom was ill ... it was appreciated by all in our family.

I didn't write at the time about that rough patch in our lives.  However, I wrote this post because of my gratitude to Donald for his kindness in recognizing Mom. An illness like that leaves life-altering affects on people and a rearranging of our priorities in life. Thanks again to the Chesterfield County Republicans ... they call my mom an inspiration. I concur.

Read more about the dinner from Bearing Drift colleague Mike Fletcher who ended his post by noting:
"In contrast to the previous four [GOP U.S. Senate candidates], George Allen took the stage with the presence of a statesman.  We know this man.  We’ve worked for this man.  And we know what he stands for. ... In full disclosure, I’ve been in George Allen’s camp since well before he announced.  Seeing the five candidates together merely served to reassure me that I’ve been right all along."
Interestingly enough, my mom told me, "George Allen was a hit, as usual."

A statesman ... that's one reason the A-Team is so loyal to George Allen.

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