Saturday, February 18, 2012

Major snow in forecast for Valley?

Snow prediction map from

With WxRisk predicting 8-12" of snow for the Shenandoah Valley, and other weather forecasters -- WHSV TV-3, NBC-29 -- saying we will get something even if it's not that much, it's a good time to have a Sunday snowstorm.

Monday is Presidents Day. Schools are closed, Augusta County government is closed, the post office is closed. With snow amounts expected to pile up Sunday into the evening, those closings will avoid having to post multiple notices on local television and radio stations of schools and businesses that will not be open.

What a break for the ski resorts ... huge snow predicted for a holiday weekend ... which sounds like a great opportunity to hit the slopes or just watch the snow come down. Wintergreen, Massanutten, Snowshoe, and The Homestead will be rolling out the carpet for guests to take part in nature's party.

We've got family in for the weekend and a birthday celebration. Extra firewood has been stacked on the back porch, the sleds are ready to go, the snow lights will be on tonight, the fire pit is waiting, there's s'mores makings and plenty of hot chocolate, and board games are ready for playing while the snow comes down or after sledders come in for a break from the cold.

Much of the fun of a snowy day is watching the beautiful scene outside the window as snowflakes drift down and the outdoors falls quiet. It's especially peaceful to take a walk through the winter woods as the snow builds up, and to watch the birds at the feeder -- cardinals, blue jays, juncos, titmice, doves -- each looking for a place at the smorgasbord or flocking to the heated birdbath at the edge of the deck.

Whatever you do and wherever you are, enjoy this first significant snow this winter and, if you're not thrilled with the weather, keep in mind that spring is not that far away.

Snow ... we're ready for it in the Shenandoah Valley....

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