Thursday, February 16, 2012

Rainy day in the Valley ... will Sunday bring snow?

It has been a messy, rainy day in the Shenandoah Valley but temperatures remained mild in the mid-40s with windy conditions in hilly places. I spent the day in Harrisonburg and then back to Augusta, dodging raindrops as I ran in and out of buildings.

The "s" word was on everyone's lips as I talked with folks. Indeed, WHSV TV-3's forecast says that two systems may converge into a nor'easter over the mid-Atlantic and, depending on the timing of cold air, could bring some of the white stuff to our area. Right now they're calling for 60 percent chance of precipitation with a daytime high on Sunday in the mid-30s. We'll see.  Also check out NBC-29 for their latest forecast, and has an interesting map up of possible snow totals.

Meanwhile, Winter 2012 continues brown and uneventful. Perhaps we should count our blessings ... those nor'easters can get pretty nasty at times.

It's still winter in the Shenandoah Valley....

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