Saturday, March 03, 2012

Get Out The Vote for Mitt Romney this weekend

On March 6th Virginia Republicans will go to the polls to vote in the Republican presidential primary.  I hope you will take time to vote, and I encourage you to join Governor McDonnell and me in support of Mitt Romney.
Governor Romney’s success and experience in the private sector, running the Salt Lake City Olympics and as governor of Massachusetts makes him uniquely qualified to address the significant challenges facing America today. Mitt Romney is the right person with the right plan to lead our country toward a more prosperous future with more jobs, less debt and smaller government.  And Governor Romney is the only Republican candidate who can defeat President Obama in November.
Virginia may not receive as much national attention as other states voting on Super Tuesday, so we can’t take anything for granted.  We need your help to turn out Republican voters on March 6th and encourage them to support Mitt Romney. 
Over the next 4 days you can help our campaign in Virginia in several ways:
  1. Use our Call from Home program to persuade your neighbors to vote on March 6th for Mitt Romney. Visit to begin calling today.
  2. Visit one of our Virginia Phone Banks to join a local Romney team as they call voters across Virginia about the upcoming Primary.  Visit to find the closest headquarters to you and get involved.
  3. Bring your friends, family and neighbors to your local polling site on Election Day, March 6th. Check out the Virginia state page to find your local polling location
On Tuesday you have an opportunity to take the next step toward defeating Barack Obama and electing Mitt Romney the next President of the United States.
Thank you for your support.
Very Truly Yours,  
Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling

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