Saturday, April 21, 2012

George Allen, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) host small business roundtable

From the George Allen for U.S. Senate campaign....

Henrico, VA – Today, George Allen and Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) met with small business leaders at a roundtable discussion at Bill’s Barbecue in Richmond, where Allen outlined his positive vision for Virginia and his Blueprint for America’s Comeback. This is the latest in a series of town hall-style meetings where George Allen heard from local business leaders about their concerns and discussed his proven solutions to create jobs, reduce gasoline prices and make America competitive again.

In opening remarks, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) announced his endorsement of George Allen and spoke from his perspective as a small business owner why he’s looking forward to working with him as a partner in the U.S. Senate.

“After spending 31 years in the manufacturing business, I have experienced first-hand the burden Washington places on small businesses,” said Senator Ron Johnson. “We need more like-minded allies in Washington who know we can’t borrow, tax and spend our way to prosperity. George Allen has a record of standing up for job-creators and fighting against Washington’s job-destroying regulations and overspending that is threatening the survival of small businesses in Virginia and across the country. I look forward to having George Allen as a partner in the U.S. Senate.”

“It’s time for Washington to start listening to the small business owners and entrepreneurs here in Virginia and come together to eliminate the burdensome regulations stifling the very job-creators we need to reinvigorate our economy,” said George Allen. “Massive tax hikes, burdensome regulations and Washington political gimmicks won’t do anything to help create jobs or families fill up their gas tanks — it will only make things worse. We need a positive vision and proven, pro-job growth solutions to empower small businesses to invest, expand and hire, unleash our energy resources and make America competitive again. I want to see a hassle-free government serving and helping small business owners and letting consumers decide who has the best product or service rather than hindering and impeding us.”

Rhoda Elliot, owner of several Bill’s Barbecue restaurants in the greater-Richmond area said, “I thank George Allen and Senator Ron Johnson for coming to Bill’s Barbecue and listening to the concerns and challenges of small business leaders in our area.”

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