Monday, May 28, 2012

George Allen's Memorial Day message: Remember America's fallen and their families

U.S. Senate candidate George Allen remembered the sacrifice of America's fallen military members on Memorial Day:
“Each Memorial Day, Susan and I are reminded of the sacrifices of heroes who have made America the beacon of Freedom for the world. As we celebrate our Freedoms this day with community ceremonies, parades and festivals, it is the memory of those who’ve lived and died defending Freedom that is etched into our hearts and minds. Our Freedom eloquently expressed in our Declaration of Independence has been preserved throughout the history of our country by brave men and women who loved Freedom more than life.

“We also honor the wives, husbands, children and parents who, as Abraham Lincoln once wrote, have ‘only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be [theirs] to have laid so costly a sacrifice on the altar of Freedom.’ Let us always remember that our Freedom still hangs in the balance, calling each of us to carry the torch of our fallen soldiers’ sacrifice to ensure that the American Dream lives on for future generations.”

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