Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day posts from blogging dads (and moms)

Happy Father's Day to all the guys out there blogging in the SWAC area, Virginia, and beyond!

A special tip of the hat to our military dads who are deployed and away from their families on this day with gratitude for the sacrifice from them and their families to preserve our freedoms. For those who have fought for it, freedom has a special flavor the protected will never know.

Here are some of the latest posts from a few of those dads (and moms) who blog to keep the information airways open and honest.

It's not amnesty? Pat at And so it goes in Shreveport looks at President Barack Obama's latest executive order, bypassing Congress concerning the DREAM Act....

Over at The Journey, Bob's latest edition of THYME Magazine looks at the illegal immigrant issue....

Drink in public? Hmm ...  DaTechGuy nails it.

Shaun Kenney at Bearing Drift looks at Disrupt the Narrative's post on the Dems and voter fraud ... is it going on in Virginia?

Media hypocrisy? Nah, couldn't happen ... or could it right there in the rose garden of the White House? Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion questions reporters who question questioning reporters....

Meanwhile, Stacy McCain at The Other McCain has the latest on the issue that caused conservative blogs from coast-to-coast to go dark for one day last week in solidarity with bloggers who have been hassled by a radical liberal activist.

Closer to home, the drama continues as the Virginia Republican Party tilts even further to the right. Brian Schoeneman from Bearing Drift reports the latest.

Tom White at Virginia Right considered the Tea Party an epic fail in last week's Republican Primary, and gave his reasons why they should become more pragmatic about elections.

Speaking of the Republican Primary, Bearing Drift's Jim Hoeft kept an open thread running all day with updates from BD contributors throughout the Commonwealth as well as updates when the returns came in. 

And in the spirit of Father's Day ... some lost their dads at an early age. Mike at The Write Side of My Brain remembers the last time he saw his dad alive. I look back at memories with my dad from our days camping in Shenandoah National Park.

Happy Father's Day!

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