Thursday, June 07, 2012

LTE: George Allen endorsed by State Senator Frank Ruff

June 6, 2012

To the Editor:
On Tuesday June 12th, you can begin the process of re-steadying our United States Government. That is the first step in correcting the course that we have been on for the last several years.
The course that our President and United States Senate has taken our country, along a path that will destroy the hopes for a bright future for our children and grandchildren, cannot continue. We must start that change by going to the polls and selecting George Allen to be the Republican candidate for U.S. Senator.

George Allen is the only candidate that has the name recognition and the experience to defeat Tim Kaine. George proved himself as Governor. He can and will defeat Tim Kaine who simply will vote in support of the failed policies of President Obama.

George Allen understands that to have a strong economy we must use the natural resources which America is blessed to have. George Allen will encourage using those resources found off Virginia’s coast, not block exploration like President Obama and Tim Kaine have done.

George Allen understands that for folks to start or expand a business, they must believe that government will not oppose them at every turn by piling on more regulation and expense. George Allen will work to reduce the regulations that President Obama has placed on business.

Please join me by going to the polls and voting for George Allen on Tuesday June 12th. He is the right candidate with the right experience to make us proud to be Americans.

State Sen. Frank Ruff

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