Monday, July 09, 2012

Bob McDonnell: 'Our Commonwealth of Opportunity'

I wanted to share with you a new video we put together highlighting our Commonwealth of Opportunity.

We put together the video specifically for CNBC. They asked Governors to send in videos about how they're growing their economies and strengthening the private sector. And you can help us win CNBC's "Top States Twitter Battle."  If you are on Twitter, vote for Virginia by using the hashtag #TopStatesVA or retweet the governor's message here.

This video celebrates all we have done at the state level to help grow private sector jobs and create more opportunities for all Virginians.  We are seeing the results.  Since Governor McDonnell took office, over 120,000 new jobs have been created and the unemployment rate has dropped to the lowest level in over three years. Governor McDonnell has kept taxes low, regulations and litigation to a minimum, and freed the private sector to create jobs and opportunities for our citizens. None of this has been possible without your strong support and partnership.

Please pass this video on to  your  friends, family and  neighbors. And remember, as you watch this video, that the same conservative principles that have worked in Virginia can work all across this great country. And that's why we all need to work so hard to elect Mitt Romney our next President. Mitt Romney will free states and job-creators to grow, innovate and create. He will unleash the dynamism and vigor of the American people. And that's how we will truly get Americans back to work and our national economy back on track


E. Alex Stanley
Opportunity Virginia PAC

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