Thursday, July 05, 2012

Independence Day 2012 ... God, Country, fireworks, cookouts, baseball, and friends

 Pink lemonade, cherry limeade, and other liquids helped quench thirsty guests on Independence Day 2012 when temps hovered at 98 degrees.

 Macaroni and cheese ...

 ... watermelon and other fruits ...

 ... apple pies and other yummy desserts ...

 ... by the time the tables were filled, there was enough -- and more -- for the 45 guests who helped us celebrate. All brought dishes to share, and it was blessed by Art Salatin as we bowed our heads in thanks.

 Some sought relief from the hot outside temperatures including (left to right) Staunton City Councilwoman Andrea Oakes, Augusta County Supervisor David Karaffa, Katie Karaffa, Kenny Oakes, and Danny Caporelli.

 Others sat in the shade of the trees and visited while little ones, who never seem to notice the heat, played on the tree swing and ran around the yard. The youngest, four-month-old Mary Harris, stayed inside out of the heat, and Wii was set up for some of the older kids to enjoy.

 Some of the 20-somethings tested their skills at badmitton ...

 ... while others caught the Atlanta Braves game in the cool of the air conditioning.

 Of course, we all went outdoors after dark to watch the fireworks and to ooh and ahh over their bright colors shooting into the dark Shenandoah Valley night sky.

 Sparklers, anyone?

What's the 4th of July without red, white, and blue? And what's the Fourth without family and friends to celebrate America's independence? We are so blessed....

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
July 4, 2012

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