Friday, August 17, 2012

'McDonnell-Bolling a dynamic duo'

Governor Bob McDonnell and Lt. Governor Bill Bolling received some well-deserved kudos this week from the Tidewater News after additional jobs were announced for that region of Virginia:
While these are exciting moments in a region that appreciates any new jobs in the wake of a near economic meltdown over the last few years, these events are likely becoming old hat for the state’s top-ranking officials.

McDonnell moved into the Governor’s Mansion 2½ years ago after successfully running on the campaign slogan “Bob’s for jobs.”

Bolling was re-elected to a second term and immediately named the commonwealth’s chief jobs creation officer.

McDonnell made jobs and economic development his top priorities. He has done more than pay lip-service to that campaign pledge.

McDonnell and Bolling have proven to be a dynamic duo when it comes to creating economic opportunity for Virginia. Since taking office in January 2010, their efforts have resulted in the announcement of nearly 900 economic development projects, which combined will generate over 54,000 jobs and $8.5 billion in capital investment in Virginia.

Regardless of one’s political leanings or affiliation, that is an impressive record.
The most recent announcements during July and August have included 60 new jobs in Henry County, 250 new jobs in Loudoun County, 400 new jobs in Frederick County, 85 new jobs in Isle of Wight, and 50 new jobs in Hanover County.

"Bob's for jobs" was not just a campaign slogan. It has been a promise kept by Governor McDonnell and Lt. Governor Bolling as they crisscross the Commonwealth working with localities and businesses to bring jobs and economic development during these financially challenging times. It's good to see that achievement recognized by the Tidewater News.

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