Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Majority Leader Eric Cantor condemns attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya

In a statement released Wednesday after U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Embassy personnel were killed by rioters in Libya, U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor condemned the attacks:
"I condemn the attacks on our consulate in Benghazi and Embassy in Cairo by violent extremists.

"My prayers are with the families of Ambassador Chris Stevens and the other brave Americans who lost their lives in this unjustifiable and hateful assault.

"Ambassador Stevens and his colleagues were known for having stood firmly on the side of the Libyan people against tyranny, and were untiring in their efforts to help the Libyan people establish a peaceful and tolerant democracy. These brave and honorable public servants deserve the respect of the American and Libyan people, for whom they tragically gave their lives.

"These terrible incidents highlight the ongoing security challenges in Libya and Egypt, and I call upon the Libyan and Egyptian governments to protect diplomatic facilities, secure their borders, and redouble efforts to combat extremist terrorism within their countries.

"Eleven years after September 11, it is clear that Islamic extremist terrorism still poses a tremendous threat to the Middle East, to the United States, and to the international community.

"These attacks will not deter America from continuing to promote peace, democracy, individual and religious freedom and an unwavering respect for human life throughout the region and the world."

–Majority Leader Eric Cantor
More on this breaking story here.

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