Saturday, October 06, 2012

Eric Cantor's 2012 Republican Roundup ... #2: More faces in the crowd

George Allen had a rousing speech for the faithful.

Judi Lynch

Julie Coggsdale

Linwood Cobb, 7th District Chairman, emceed the program.

There were 6,000 supporters this year, the largest Roundup ever. That's a lot of Brock's barbecue, cole slaw, baked beans, hotdogs, brownies, cookies, and drinks.

Standing ovation at the conclusion of Congressman Eric Cantor's remarks.

My mom's famous Susan Allen pin.

Richard and Mom talking.

The crowd was immense. Every square inch of the tent was filled and people overflowed outside and onto the playground area.

More of the crowd.

Blogger taking photo of blogger. Tom White with Virginia Right!

Bloggers Row with Nathan Pick and Rick Sincere.

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
2012 Republican Roundup
October 6, 2012

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