Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Standing with George Allen: The people versus The Washington Post

Hard-working Americans versus the liberal rants of the Washington Post. I'll take the word of military veterans, cops, law-abiding gun owners, business owners, and my realtor neighbors in supporting George Allen for U.S. Senate.

Senator/Governor George Allen has been endorsed by:
- National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- National Federation of Independent Businesses
- Fraternal Order of Police
- National Rifle Association
- Virginia Association of Realtors
Chairman "Ol’ Virginny is dead" Kaine has been endorsed by:
-The Washington Post
Surprised? Don't be.

1 comment:

  1. THYME also endorses George Allen. I have been represented by Mr. Allen since 1982, when he became our Delegate to the Virginia General Assembly. I have worked beside George Allen at the Crozet polling place. I have heard him speak about ideas and ideals in government.

    He is an effective representative and, despite opinions to the contrary, I have known him to work across the aisle to get things done. Indeed, his effectiveness may be one reason his hapless 'tracker' keeps following him, hoping for another 'kill.'

    It is time for George Allen and the ideas he represents. It is time to kick faux Conservatives who talk the talk but vote for Obamacare to the curb.

    George Allen is an essential player in the hard struggle ahead. His experience will help the Senate regroup to represent the interests of the people.
