Saturday, October 27, 2012

Veterans call out Kaine for his anti-defense alliance

As Tim Kaine keeps holding over $50,000 in contributions from anti-defense group The Council for a Livable World, Virginians who understand and appreciate our military are speaking out against Tim Kaine and his liberal extremist allies. Yesterday, CLW solicited campaign contributions and volunteers on behalf of Tim Kaine.

"Tim Kaine's close relationship with an extreme liberal anti-defense organization is very disconcerting as a veteran because they do not value our national defense or understand the sacrifice of those who serve in the Armed Services," said Del. Rich Anderson, retired 30-year Air Force Colonel and Chair of the General Assembly Military and Veterans Caucus. "The Council For A Livable World's endorsement and campaign contributions raise questions of whether he would stand with anti-defense liberals or with Virginia's military community. With sequestration threatening hundreds of thousands of Virginia jobs and our national security, Virginians can't afford a Senator who is weak on national defense. George Allen is the only candidate in this race with a commitment to stopping these defense cuts without jeopardizing Virginia jobs through tax increases. Virginia needs George Allen's voice in the U.S. Senate."

"Alliances say a lot about a country, organization or person, and Tim Kaine's friendship with an anti-defense organization speaks volumes about his real views," said Del. Ron Villanueva, U.S. Coast Guard Reserve Veteran, Member of the General Assembly Military and Veterans Caucus. "The Council for A Livable World wouldn't be pouring thousands of dollars into Tim Kaine's bank account and recruiting volunteers for him if they didn't think Tim Kaine shared their values. Tim Kaine has already stated his commitment to cutting defense spending, and now his anti-defense allies must be extra pleased with him for demanding tax increases as the price for stopping the defense cuts. George Allen understands that this is no time to weaken our military, especially with the attacks on our embassies and continued conflicts around the globe. I know we can count on George Allen to defend our military at every turn."

--From RPV

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