Friday, December 14, 2012

Del. Steve Landes to be challenged for GOP delegate position

Delegate Steve Landes (R-Weyers Cave) will be challenged for the Virginia 25th District House of Delegates seat in 2013.

Jim Noel, a resident of Mt. Sidney in Augusta County and a facility planner for Perdue Farms, set up a Facebook page on Friday inviting voters to support his campaign for Delegate as he challenges Del. Landes for the Republican nomination:
"I am announcing my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the 25th District of the Virginia House of Delegates in 2013"
Mr. Noel, who noted he was in the early stages of his campaign, said he would have more information available after the weekend. He is self-described as an independent conservative on his Facebook page.

Del. Landes has represented the 25th House District, which incorporated portions of Albemarle, Augusta, and Rockinghan counties, since 1995. Currently in senior leadership in the House, he is vice chairman of the House Education Committee, and a member of the House Appropriations, Rules, and Privileges and Elections Committees, and has worked on and sponsored various legislative bills throughout the years. He is one of three Republican delegates who represent various areas of Augusta County, serving with Ben Cline (24th House) and Dickie Bell (20th House).

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