Sunday, March 03, 2013

Transportation bill: Sigh of relief from many

I got a mention in this compilation of reactions to Governor Bob McDonnell's transportation bill. I'm proud to stand with a man who is willing to make the tough decisions for the future of Virginia....

After almost three decades of waiting, Virginia finally has the long-term, comprehensive transportation plan that will ensure the Commonwealth’s economy continues to grow, and you stop wasting your precious dollars and time sitting in traffic.

Only passed last week, the plan is already reaping huge benefits for Virginia. Just today Moody’s Investor Services, the prestigious bond rating firm, declared the plan “Credit Positive” and praised Virginia for passing such an innovative and long overdue measure. It’s simple: good roads equal good jobs and good jobs being created in the private sector is what will grow our economy and make Virginia an even better place to call home. This bill makes that happen.

The transportation bill is getting attention throughout Virginia and America. Here are just a few quotes about the legislation from the past week:

Conservative radio host John Fredericks:
“Va. Gov. Bob McDonnell is about to embark on a legacy-enduring journey where no other Virginia governor has gone for nearly three decades. He’ll soon sign into law new landmark transportation reform legislation that firmly addresses the Commonwealth’s quarter-center old ongoing crumbling infrastructure and transportation debacle.”

The Virginian-Pilot:
“With this legislation; Virginia should finally have the roads, bridges and rail lines that it needs to keep its people, businesses and economy moving. McDonnell can rightfully claim credit for a landmark deal that secures Virginia's transportation future for the next generation.”

Conservative blogger Lynn R. Mitchell, Bearing Drift:
“Throughout it all, McDonnell was a voice of reason in his leadership while working through the transportation issue that had been put on the back burner in the Commonwealth for 30 years.”


“I voted for him [the governor] to make the tough decisions. He did his job”

Politico wrote:
“With a successful weekend vote in Richmond to enact sweeping transportation reform, the popular Republican set himself on a path to leave office on an upbeat note… Now, by pushing through a bipartisan transportation law – the first major compromise in decades – McDonnell has cemented his legacy as the governor who tackled Virginia’s legendarily grisly traffic problem.”

The Fairfax News wrote:
That “whooshing” sound you heard over the weekend? That was the enormous sigh of relief from business and political leaders upon learning that the General Assembly had passed a far-reaching transportation bill that is seen as ensuring funding for vital rail and highway projects for years to come.”

Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce (Fairfax Chamber) President and CEO Jim Corcoran:
“Today is truly a historic day for Virginia. For the first time in more than two decades, the Commonwealth has the sustainable transportation funding it needs to continue on its path of economic success.”

The long awaited transportation solution will create thousands of jobs and jump-start critical transportation projects in every corner of the Commonwealth. In fact, one study from 2010 found that providing $1 billion each year in additional revenue for transportation would create and sustain an additional 18,695 new jobs throughout the state’s economy, with a total annual payroll of $720.4 million. The future health of Virginia’s economy depends on top tier road, rail, and transit systems: this plan provides exactly that.

Do you stand with Governor McDonnell on fixing our longstanding transportation problems and creating good jobs? Now you can show your support by visiting

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