Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cuccinelli and Snyder and $$$

An interesting email landed in my in-box this morning. Sometimes if things don't work out one way, they will work out another, and that appears to be true for Pete Snyder and Ken Cuccinelli.

Snyder, who was runner-up for the Lieutenant Governor nomination at the Virginia Republican Convention in May, and whose financial contacts had others salivating at the thought of him on their team, has now joined the Cuccinelli campaign as co-coordinator of its Finance Committee. Visions of dollar signs are dancing in some heads ... and visions of future political office are dancing in others'.

The email announcement:
The Cuccinelli For Governor Campaign today announced that Virginia entrepreneur Pete Snyder will serve as Co-Chairman of its Finance Committee. In his new volunteer role, Snyder will help lead the campaign's fundraising efforts, both in the Commonwealth and nationally.

"Pete Snyder is a true entrepreneur, great grassroots campaigner and one of the best fundraisers in our party. It's rare in this business to find people who are real team players and that's one of many reasons I am proud to have Pete join our campaign," said Ken Cuccinelli. "I'm grateful for Pete's continuous effort to advance our party and our Commonwealth."

"There is only one candidate in the race for governor with a clear plan and the right experience to strengthen and grow Virginia's economy and that is Ken Cuccinelli," said Snyder, the CEO of Virginia-based Disruptor Capital. "I'm honored Ken asked me to pitch in on this critical effort. The single most important thing Virginians can do to ensure that we grow our economy and remain a right-to-work state is to elect Ken Cuccinelli as our next governor." He is also a World Championship certified BBQ judge. Pete and his wife Burson reside in Fairfax County.

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