Tuesday, August 27, 2013

NFL games this fall at Hull's Drive-In

It's a go for NFL games this fall at Hull's Drive-In in Lexington. Here's the latest from them:
NFL Games at Hull's
There has been a lot of excitement about the upcoming football season and Hull's Drive-In showing Sunday and Monday night games on the big screen. While we are excited as well, we want to make sure this is a success so here are few things to keep in mind if you're coming out to the games.....

1. Admission is FREE!!!!!
2. We strongly encourage you to visit the concession stand and buy your food there instead of bringing outside food in. This is how we are paying for the football games to be shown, help us keep them on the big screen and support your concession stand.
3. We will be doing a 50/50 raffle each night and that will be drawn the beginning of halftime.
4. Donations will also be accepted at the gate and in concessions that will go to helping make the football venture a success.
5. Our alcohol policy is the same as it is for movies.......please just be responsible and mature and we won't have to enforce it!!!! Catch my drift!!!!
7. We want everyone to have a good time. Trash talk each other, cheer for your team, boo the refs but remember that this is still a family environment and there may be kids in attendance on some nights to please watch the language and respect others.
8. We will have the sound broadcasting over the FM station as well as the speakers and as long as there isn't a terrible echo the loudspeakers. Feel free to bring out your radios and turn them up.
10. Wear your jerseys and other team gear!!!
11. There will be door prizes handed out at the end of the first 2 quarters.
12. Did I mention that admission is FREE!!!!!!!!

Spread the word about our football games, we want to get as many people out there as possible. If you have any questions please message me and ask. I try to cover most of the questions here but I may have missed some.

On a side note, Sunday games in October are dependent on us NOT having to show movies on Sundays. That is still in the works and if it ends up that we have to show movies on Sundays, then in October we will do Monday nights only. We will keep you informed on this as well.

Here is the tentative schedule through October.

Thursday September 5th Baltimore Ravens vs Denver Broncos
Sunday October 6th Houston Texans vs San Franciso 49ers
Monday October 7th NY Jets vs Atlanta Falcons
Sunday October 13th Washington Redskins vs Dallas Cowboys
Monday October 14th Indianapolis Colts vs San Diego Chargers
Sunday October 20th Denver Broncos vs Indianapolis Colts
Monday October 21st Minnesota Vikings vs NY Giants
Sunday October 27th Green Bay Packers vs Minnesota Vikings
Monday October 28th Seattle Seahawks vs St. Louis Rams

All the games start about 8:30 pm and the gates will open at 7 pm for people to come in and get something to eat, get a good place to park and start having a great time!!!!

Can't wait to see everyone out there!!!!!

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