Monday, November 11, 2013

Richard Crouse: The man behind the candidates

Richard Crouse on the campaign trail.

Election Day 2013 had victories for Republicans around the Commonwealth including one in Southside Virginia. The old saying that behind every successful man is a woman comes to mind but, in the case of politics, behind every successful candidate is a successful campaign manager and consultant.

Enter 32-year-old Richard Crouse, the man behind the candidates, who has worked numerous campaigns and served as political director of the Republican Party of Virginia over the past decade. He doesn't just talk the talk ... he walks the walk of successfully getting Republicans elected.

Richard's resume is long, filled with the familiar names of those currently serving in office. He was part of the push in 2008 that recruited candidates and picked up enough seats to make Republicans the majority party in the Virginia House of Delegates. In 2009, during the epic historic Republican sweep of McDonnell-Bolling-Cuccinelli in the top three leadership spots, Richard was all over the state helping in the effort that brought in more GOP House seats as well as governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general.

In 2010, Richard was part of the effort to defeat three Democratic congressmen (Boucher, Perriello, Nye) to put in Republican representatives Hurt, Griffith, and Rigell. He worked on special elections to get Republicans elected (Greg Habeeb, Tony Wilt, Jeff McWaters, Bill Stanley). Working with Mike Thomas in 2012, he served as political director for former Governor and U.S. Senator George Allen.

Richard's latest success is Les Adams, one of 2013's newest Republicans elected to the House of Delegates. A sixth-generation native of Southside Virginia and Liberty University graduate, Les won the 16th House District seat in Pittsylvania County on Election Day with 65 percent of the vote.

The campaign began earlier in the year when Delegate Don Merricks announced his retirement. With no money and considered the underdog against a well-known candidate, Les pulled Richard on board his campaign and they went to work. Together they raised a war chest to get Les elected, winning the primary on June 10, 2013, with an overwhelming 81 percent of the vote to become the Republican candidate in a solid red district.

On election day they sealed the deal when Les won against his Democratic opponent. In January, he will be heading to Richmond with the freshman class for the 2014 Virginia General Assembly session. Congratulations to both Les and Richard for a job well done.

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