Sunday, October 29, 2006

Senator George Allen's visit to Staunton

Staunton News Leader misses it again....

So ...

Staunton is a cozy small town of about 24,000 folks.

Rowe's Restaurant is famous worldwide as the place to go for homecooked meals in this area.

Senator George Allen is a sitting United States Senator in a re-election campaign.

Why, then, did the Staunton News Leader ignore Senator Allen's Friday visit to Rowe's? Their reporter was sitting right there in the midst of over 100 Republicans who came out early on a rainy, foggy morning to show their support for the Senator.

After all, the Misleader covered Jim Webb's visit to Harrisonburg on Thursday.

You mean ... they can cover a candidate visiting Harrisonburg which is 30 miles away ... but not a United States Senator visiting right here in their own town?

Why not report on Senator Allen's stop in Staunton on a very busy day? Why not report how many people turned out -- taking over half of Rowe's? Why not report the enthusiastic reception he received?

He was accompanied by four Republican representatives from this area - State Senator Emmett Hanger, Delegate Steve Landes, Delegate Chris Saxman, and Delegate Ben Cline. Five Republican representatives in one place ... but that must not be newsworthy enough for the prima donna News Leader.

Maybe if we could get President George W. Bush to come to town ... nah. They wouldn't be interested in him, either ... doesn't have a "D" behind his name.

It's disappointing to have a local newspaper that is not interested in covering the electeds who were voted into office by 70% of the local population.

The News Leader missed it again....

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