Saturday, October 28, 2006

So NOW they want to talk issues???

Webb's trashy writings finally hit mainstream media

I read a headline on Raising Kaine ... "The Allen Campaign Smears Jim Webb" ... and had to shake my head. What does Raising Kaine think it's been doing to George Allen for months? Spreading lies is considered "smear" in my book ... and they have become masters at smearing or "swiftboating," as they like to call it.

Yesterday the local NBC affiliate finally picked up on smutty passages in novels written by Jim Webb. They interviewed a local Democrat who expressed dismay that this was the topic ... she voiced the need to "discuss the issues."


Does anyone remember all the pleas from conservative bloggers and Senator George Allen who have asked for months now to discuss issues in this campaign?

The mainstream media have given Webb a pass ... have let him skate ... have refused to ask the hard questions or determine Webb's position on key issues. Indeed, the Washington Post has endorsed this practically unknown candidate ... yet when the pornographic, pedophilia-laced, trashy writings of this man began to be exposed ... the dems started yelling ISSUES?

But, then, this is the Party that keeps reelecting former Ku Klux Klan leader Robert Byrd to the United States Senate over and over and over and over.... And this is the same Party that keeps reelecting Chappaquidick-drowner Ted Kennedy to the United States Senate over and over and over.... And this is the Party that kept reelecting Congressional-page molester Gerry Stubbs to the United States House of Representatives over and over and over....

OK. Let's talk issues. But let's also expose what is known about Jim Webb so the voters of the Commonwealth of Virginia will know exactly who he is before they go to the polls on November 7.

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