Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Early morning travels in the Valley....

It was 28 degrees at my house this morning as I left to navigate my way along the Valley. The light blanket of snow we received on Sunday was still on the ground ... the mountains' slopes were a white winter wonderland ... and it was a beautiful sight in the crisp winter air.

Staunton's Libby Loop continues to be one of my favorite roadways and I constantly use it to travel from the western side of Staunton to points east, north, and south. However, merging traffic on the ramps hasn't become any better ... they will still run you off the road instead of yielding. I think part of that is because entering traffic is building up speed on the uphill, and part is blind merging at some points where the lane entering the main highway is hidden behind hills. But still ... those on the main roadway have the right-of-way over those entering ... but I continue to see folks having to slow down to avoid accidents with on-ramp traffic.

Over on Rt. 11 where the speed limit is 55 mph there are school zones and little towns along the way. This morning I noticed a red pickup truck quickly gaining on me in the 55 mph just as it was slowing down to 45 mph entering a small town. I slowed and the truck was on my bumper. The speed limit then slowed to 35 mph in an area that sees radar occasionally and when I slowed to 35, the truck was practically pushing me down the road. I pulled over on the shoulder to let him pass -- I am not driving with a vehicle hooked on my tail -- and as he zipped by I noticed the WEBB sticker on his bumper.

That's a good reminder to all of us who have our candidates' bumper stickers on our vehicles ... if we drive erratic or engage in road rage or push someone off the road, other drivers will see the candidates' names on our vehicle -- not the best way to represent our candidates. Perhaps he was irritated at my BUSH and ALLEN bumper stickers....

Gray and overcast this morning ... roadways weren't bad except for a stray icy patch here or there. Schools were running an hour or two behind so there weren't any buses out and traffic was light.

They're calling for seasonal temps this week with the possibility of some white stuff toward the end of the week. The ski areas need it. My snowboarding kids were on the mountain at Massanutten last night ... the resort had made snow and had several trails open. The kids reported a brisk business as skiers flocked to the area for the first "Monday Night Madness" of the season. Let's hope there will be more before the warm weather returns....

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