Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Silence from dems continues ... do they approve of Joe Stanley's ODBA/NAMBLA linking?

Jim Patrick's post today begins:

Just over a year ago I listened in amazement as a party extremist berated Virginia’s Lt. Governor for using the term ‘Democrat Party’ instead of ‘Democratic Party’ in a speech. Though I later verified this is technically correct, I couldn’t understand his fanaticism over a minor grammar error. Back then, I didn’t understand. Now I do.
Not only the dems' obsession with "democrat/ic" but also their dirty tricks are addressed by Mr. Patrick including the recent Joe Stanley/ODBA/NAMBLA controversy ... and the amazing silence from the democrats concerning Stanley's linking the conservative Old Dominion Blog Alliance name, unbeknownst to those clicking on it, to the North American Man-Boy Love Association:

The act was hateful, and should be condemned by reasonable people on both the right and the left. Those on the right of Virginia’s political spectrum have already condemned it. We’re still waiting for the first peep from his employers, political partners, or Party officials.
Read all of Jim Patrick's post More Party(D) Woes.

Jerry Fuhrman at From On High has posted On That Franklin County Demcoratic Chairman in which he gives background on Franklin County Democrat Chairman Joe Stanley's past dirty tricks of redirecting links from one domain name to another ... and links to a Roanoke Times article that gives more background on how Stanley has used this type of trick for a while.

Scott's Morning Brew writes Joe Stanley, Yellow Dog Strategy, Roscoe Reynolds, Eric Ferguson and the pedophilia site…

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