Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Typical democrat-ick response to President Bush's trip to Iraq

Rick Howell's blog headline reads "Bush's meaningless little trip to Iraq." This was what I predicted yesterday ... the dems can't say anything nice about a Republican President even when he is working to keep America safe from terrorism.

It wasn't long ago the dems were calling Anbar Province in Iraq the example of why we couldn't win this war because of widespread violence ... and then American Marines went in and worked with the Iraqis making it safe again for citizens. President Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates flew in yesterday to meet with Gen. David Petraeus, Iraqi government officials, and American GIs.

Now the dems have to come up with yet another excuse to convince their minions that this war is lost, not worth fighting, yada yada yada.

~ yawn ~

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