Sunday, October 07, 2007

"Defending the American Dream:" Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee, former Republican governor of Arkansas, was following others in a program that was running late Friday morning at the "Defending the American Dream" summit in DC. Realizing the noon hour was approaching, he joked, "Blessed are the brief for they shall be invited again," to laugher and applause from the crowd.

Conservatives are blessed to have a deep bench of leaders in the cause, and Mike Huckabee does not disappoint. His idea to scrap the tax code and put in place a consumption tax was met with applause. He advocated letting sunshine in on government spending by making financial records accessible to the public. He is also alarmed that so much manufacturing has been outsourced that we are not capable of turning out enough weapons to protect ourselves if necessary.

Good ideas, good conservative ... but, like Brownback, I am not sure he will find enough people to back him to last until the final leg of this race. Time will tell....


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I wish Mr. Huckabee would drop out of the Presidential race and run against Senator Pryor instead. He would have a great chance to win this seat for he Republicans.

  2. Good point, GOP Rock. I truly feel his chances in the Presidential are not good ... he probably will not have the money to keep up with the front-runners ... and if he could help secure a Republican seat in the senate that would seem the path to take. Thanks for the heads-up.

  3. I think you are selling Huckabee short. This race has only begun.

  4. Throw your support behind him if you think he is the best candidate. Saying that he cannot win is saying that money buys the presidency and that "We The People" have no voice. Being "practical" and throwing support behind a less worthy candidate is a practice that is causing great harm to our country. When people surf and read positive comments about a good man, they are more likely to want to support that man. When they surf around and find bad comments about a good man, they want to support someone else. Mike Huckabee will be the next president if the people will get behind him.

    I support Mike Huckabee to the minute he chooses to quit or another better man proves himself. I will not sell out my conviction for the best man for the job even if I am the only supporter he has.


    Jim Tomasik

  5. I agree with what you say, Jim. However, to say that "money buys the presidency," much as we don't like it, is a true statement. Look at the millions of dollars being raised by the front-runners and, unfortunately, in this day and age of modern politics, money is the name of the game.

    Do I like that? Absolutely not. However, perception is everything in politics ... and if candidates cannot raise money the perception is they are not popular enough with the masses for the masses to put their money behind them.

    Mike Huckabee is a good conservative and we shall see what happens. I am truly open in this race because I have been too busy with local campaigns to pay a lot of attention to the Presidential candidates. The "Defending the American Dream" summit offered the rare opportunity to hear from so many candidates ... and I wrote what I observed. I wish you the best of luck, and thank you for sharing your opinion.
