Sunday, October 07, 2007

"Defending the American Dream:" Ron Paul

Ron Paul had turned me off during the Presidential debates. His stand against the war on terrorism did it, and his libertarian tendancies made him sound like an isolationist as he proposed the U.S. take care of itself and let the rest of the world fend. He seemed to say the U.S. had gone out looking for this war ... as if 9/11 had never happened!

As he spoke at Friday's "Defending the American Dream" summit, it was obvious he had some ardent followers in the crowd ... but most listened politely and were ready to move on to the next speaker. I appreciate that Paul's vote is not for sale and he is a strict constitutionalist.

If I got this right in my notes, he proposed removing the income tax and replacing it with ... nothing. He said if we had the proper-sized government we wouldn't need all the money brought in by taxes. I can tell you right now that is not going to happen in my lifetime.

I am sure he has represented his area of Texas well but he did not inspire me to want to support him for his bid as President.

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