Sunday, October 14, 2007

Republican Roundup ... Eric Cantor and the All-Star Stage

Congressman Eric Cantor hosted the 3rd Annual Republican Roundup. He rallied the crowd with remarks urging we work hard for Republican victory in 2007, 2008, 2009 ... and beyond.

Governor Jim Gilmore and his wife, Roxanne, waved to the crowd as Del. Bill Janis, Attorney General Bob McDonnell, and Congressman Eric Cantor looked on.

Eric Cantor addresses the crowd as Linwood Cobb, Attorney General Bob McDonnell, Governor & Mrs. Gilmore, Congressman & Mrs. Eric Cantor and family, and Governor & Mrs. George Allen look on.

Linwood Cobb, Chairman of the 7th District, MCed the event as RPV Chairman John Hager, RPV Executive Director Charlie Judd, and Del. Bill Janis looked on.

Our College & Young Republican leaders....
George Allen was announced to the crowd.
Photos by SWAC Girl
October 13, 2007

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