Saturday, October 13, 2007

Republican Roundup ... more people and politicians

My parents, 7th District volunteers.

Jarrett Ray

Kathy Hayden Terry, Charlie & Wanda Judd, Rick Neel

Matt Wells

More to come....

Photos by SWAC Girl


  1. Well, Just Damn, Girl. CargoSquid and I were running around trying to find you after Jane told us you were there.
    Next time. We have GOT to figure out a way to ID each other at these functions.
    Great pic of the Governor and my friend Neil Miller BTW.

  2. Concrete Bob! I can't believe you and CargoSquid were looking for me and I missed you! Got a note from Jane saying the same ... well, dang! I agree ... we need to be able to ID one another so we can get together. Next time!
